1.基本句型 #

简拼 全拼 中文
S subject 主语
V verb 动词
O object 宾语
C complement 补语

1.1 S+V(主语+动词) #

My watch stopped.

1.2 S+V+O(主语+动词+宾语) #

I love you.

1.3 S+V+C(主语+动词+补语) #

I am happy.
系动词 翻译 例句
look 看起来是 She looks beautiful. She is beautiful.
sound 听起来是 His story sounds interesting. His story is interesting.
feel 感觉是 I feel sick . I am sick .
taste 尝起来是 Candy tastes sweet. Candy is sweet.
seem 似乎是 She seems happy. She is happy.
turn 转变为 The weather has turned cold. The weather was cold.
prove 证实为 The story proved false. The story is false.
become 成为 He became a teacher He is a teacher
make 作为 A teacher makes a good wife. A teacher is a good wife.

1.4 S+V+O+C(主语+动词+宾语+补语) #

I find she beautiful.
I find the story interesting.
The food make me sick.
I find the Candy sweet.
Playing games make She happy.
I find the weather cold.
I consider the story false.
Hard working make him a good student.
Most people consider a teacher a good wife.

1.5 S+V+O+O(主语+动词+宾语+宾语) #

My mother give me a  book.

1.5 练习 #

句子 名型
I hit the keyboard quickly.
I found him very happy.
I find this place very interesting.
I find this very interesting place.
I ordered myself a lunch.
Don't you like drinking?
He went abroad last year.
That song sounds good.
This box feels heavy.
He told me a piece of good news.
We call him father.
My mother tells me a story every day.
I like dancing
You can leave the window open
My country has become stronger
Why don't you answer me?
It's raining now.
You look beautiful in this skirt.
I can do better next time.
DO you call me a liar?